Gabriella Alexandria
Our Biological Daughter born in 2010

Gabriella at 12 years old (2022)
Our little bundle of joy has finally arri
ved!!!! Gabriella Alexandria Faske was born on February 23, 2010 at 7:41 pm. It was snowing on the day she was born, which doesn’t happen in our part of Texas very often. Gabriella weighed 7 pounds, 4.6 ounces and was 19 ½ inches long. Our family is overjoyed by this beautiful little miracle. We could not have asked for a sweeter little baby.
Thank you to all our friends and family who loved, encouraged, prayed for, and supported our family over this last year. We are so blessed to have each of you!!!
July 15, 2010 - Gabriella will turn five months old next week, and it seems like she was just born yesterday. Having a baby at our age has been different and I think we are savoring every moment with her. Sometimes it doesn't even seem real. She has brought us so much joy! Gabriella was born during the toughest year of parenting we've ever experienced. We realized now that God gave her to us as a light in all the darkness we were facing with our oldest daughters.

Gabriella is so loved by our family. It has been an incredible experience for all of our children living at home. Raising Gabriella has shown the children in our family who only knew life in an orphanage prior to being adopted, the way a family is supposed to be according to God's plan. They have gotten to experience a baby being born to a family who has loved and welcomed her from the moment we learned of her. In the beginning, I worried that Gabriella would be so confused with having so many siblings and family members, but it is already obvious that she recognizes each person's voice and their faces. She beams with smiles as they talk to her! Gabriella truly is the "icing on the cake."